(Attribution: kcthetc1, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons)
The mouse that is most commonly encountered indoors in New England is the house mouse. House mice are nocturnal, omnivorous and very curious little rodents, weighing only about an ounce. They generally have a body about three inches long and a tail about four inches long for a total length of about seven inches. Their small size lets them get inside your home through holes or gaps smaller than a dime. Braman specializes in the critical service of mice control because these pests carry dangerous bacteria and viruses and can cause major damage in a home or business through their gnawing behavior.
Mice are nocturnal by nature, making daytime sightings rare, except in cases of heavy infestation or disturbance of their nesting site. That can happen fairly quickly because sexual maturity occurs at 2 months of age; the average litter has 8 pups and there can be 10 litters in a year! Left unchecked, two mice can become 5,000 in a year! Mice and other rodents are especially prevalent during the cooler months, when they seek shelter indoors.
Mice pest control is critical for several reasons because mice carry harmful microorganisms, such as salmonella, on their bodies. More specifically, the common white-footed deer mouse is a primary carrier of the deer tick, which transmits Lyme disease and is also linked to the potentially deadly Hantavirus.
Once inside your home, mice burrow into stored food products where their urine, fecal droppings and hairs quickly contaminate your cabinets, counter tops and cooking surfaces. Mice contaminate 10 times more food than they eat! They can also cause real damage to your home or business with their gnawing, even causing fires by gnawing on wire insulation.
These are the top signs that you are in need of mice control or mice removal services:
Mice are able to live their entire lives within a very small area when they have access to minimal food, water and shelter. Our mice removal methods include a variety of traps, tracking powders and rodenticides.
Knowing they are naturally curious creatures is the key in understanding how to remove mice permanently. Braman uses that curiosity against them with a variety of traps—snap traps, multiple catch traps and glue traps.
Braman will also utilize tracking powders, which are placed in inaccessible areas where only mice could travel. Mice will walk through the tracking powder and then groom themselves, ingesting the active ingredient.
There are a number of rodenticide baits available for mouse control. Baits are made by combining highly palatable food-grade grains and oils with rodenticide (a single feeding is all that is necessary). We place all baits in tamper-resistant containers and in hard-to-reach places for the protection of children and pets.
If you think you have a mouse infestation, contact Braman immediately.
Tell us about your pest problem. We can provide a free estimate over the phone.
Call Braman 24/7 at 800-338-6757
(Attribution: kcthetc1, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons)