Education Pest Control

Pest control for schools and other educational facilities is a wide-ranging industry that includes a variety of solutions. Education pest control encompasses jobs as basic as inspecting glue board traps in a home-based daycare to handling services for a university the size of a small town.

Campus Pest Control

Braman provides service for flagship state universities, exclusive private colleges and more. Many of these relationships have existed for more than a decade.

college buildingEvery specific environment presents its challenges. On a large campus, there are master kitchens that may require cockroach, rodent and fly management every week. Residential life managers may have concerns about bed bugs and roaches in dorms. And facilities management may have trouble with bees, ants or mice in classrooms. Our all-encompassing services offer solutions for education pest control, no matter the problem.

“The technicians consistently arrive within 24 hours…sometimes we even get same-day service. They are always polite, professional and…I would recommend Braman to anyone.” —Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

Pest Control Policy for Schools

Not every location is as needs-intensive as a college campus. An elementary school may need once-per-month service in the kitchen and cafeteria, while pest control for daycares may be handled as needed. Regardless of the size or type of facility, our integrated pest management plans meet your specific needs and requirements in compliance with applicable state laws. Braman also holds Massachusetts contract FAC74 allowing us to provide service for any size state or municipal facility in the Commonwealth.

Our technicians collect data from all pest control services and upload it to our server where it is available to you through our customer portal. You can schedule service, view service information and reports, access your billing online and more.