Property Management Pest Control

Property owners and managers deal with a wider range of pest issues than many other businesses. Cockroachestermitesbed bugsrodents and other pests can present property management pest control problems ranging from structural issues to disease transmission. The impact of these pests can result in lost rent money, expensive building repairs and damage to your name brand and reputation.

Customized Solutions: Pest Control for Property Management

Braman Termite & Pest Elimination offers professional pest and termite control services to private, commercial and residential owners and managers with responsibility for:

  • High-rise office buildings
  • Industrial campuses
  • Apartment complexes
  • Condominium communities

There isn’t a single off-the-shelf approach to pest management; each environment presents its own challenges. One office building might require roach control in the master kitchen and pigeon exclusion in the entryway. A similar building might face spiders in the storage area and rodents by the loading dock. We customize pest control treatments to meet specific needs and requirements. These programs are professionally implemented by our management and maintained by our well-trained, licensed and insured technicians.

Effective Pest Tracking

The best way to track pest control treatments in property management businesses is through our online portal. All our service technicians are equipped with handheld devices synced to PestPac, the leading pest control software in the industry. They collect data from the services at your facility and upload it to our server where it is available for you to view at any time.