The Ants Go Munching: Carpenter Ant Damage

The Ants Go Munching: Carpenter Ant Damage

It’s summer, which is prime ant season. And while ants at your picnic can be annoying, ants in your home or business are much worse, especially if they are carpenter ants. When the ants go munching, you can end up with thousands of dollars worth of damage, which is...
Carpenter Bees: A Threat to Local Structures

Carpenter Bees: A Threat to Local Structures

In New England alone, there are about 400 different bee species, so it’s tough for the average person to differentiate them. Because they can provide a threat to local structures, we wanted to introduce you to the carpenter bee and provide some signs that you may have...
Tick Tock: It’s Tick Time in New England

Tick Tock: It’s Tick Time in New England

Ticks are around throughout the year unless the ground is snow-covered or frozen, but prime tick time in New England starts in April and lasts through fall. Because they can carry diseases—including Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis and the Powassan virus—we...