The Ultimate New Year’s Resolution for Homeowners: Pest-Proofing

German cockroach on a kitchen sponge

It’s a fresh, new year, which means many people are just beginning to embark on their New Year’s resolution journey. While you may have your own personal goals, we encourage homeowners to make a shared commitment to diligent pest-proofing throughout the year.

To kick off the year, we recommend following the tips below, courtesy of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA):

  • Store holiday decorations properly: Boxes of décor make great nesting spots for rodents, so be sure to seal up all decorations in tight, impenetrable containers until next year.
  • Maintain a clean kitchen: Pests are attracted to food sources, so regularly wipe down the kitchen and ensure all food is stored in sealed containers to avoid drawing their attention to the home.
  • Store firewood properly: Woodpiles are an enticing home to many creepy-crawlers, so store them at least 20 feet away from the home and thoroughly examine wood before bringing indoors.
  • Be mindful of the home’s exterior: Remove any debris or leaves that could serve as shelter for vermin or create a source of standing water for them to quench their thirst.
  • Partner with us for proper, ongoing maintenance.

Pest-Proofing Important All Year

You may think that pest-proofing is only necessary in the warmer weather, when bugs like mosquitoes and ticks are out, but that’s simply not the case. Various hazardous visitors pose a threat in every season, and it’s up to you to prepare your home with thorough prevention measures ahead of every season’s change to protect both your property and health. Here are four home projects to get the job done:

  1. Re-sealing and weather-proofing: The #1 place unwanted visitors get into your home is through gaps around doors and windows, usually between worn-out weather stripping and frames. You should check your weatherproofing every year by seeing if you can easily lift it from the frame. Replacing it isn’t difficult or expensive, but it is important. Also, make sure your windows and doors sit properly without leaving gaps. If you identify a gap, re-install the door or window or consider replacing the frame itself.
  2. Repair leaks: Leaks can waste a lot of money and attract a lot of pests. Check your whole home for plumbing leaks using your water meter to identify if you have any interior or exterior seepage. If you have one, check all your plumbing fixtures and use a flashlight to follow your home’s piping until you find the leak. If you still can’t detect it, call us for help.
  3. Draft maintenance: If you have a draft, it means there’s a hole in your home’s insulation that air can enter through. If air can enter the gap, odds are that critters can too. Invaders like mice can feel the hot air escaping from your home and follow this hot air stream straight into your home. Air leaks can be difficult to find, but are common around windows and doors, especially in attics and basements. Seal up cracks and gaps with caulk to prevent drafts and pests, simultaneously.
  4. Spring cleaning: We know spring is a few months away, but getting started on your big cleaning projects this winter will go a long way toward keeping vermin out. They thrive in clutter, so we recommend starting in your basement and working your way up. Clear floors, vacuum, go through your belongings, clean out drawers and closets and dispose of anything you forgot about or don’t need. Many pests seek out homes where they can easily hide, so don’t underestimate the power of simple cleaning to eradicate intruders.

Keeping unwanted guests out of your home doesn’t sound exciting as far as new year goals go, but it is a big step towards taking greater ownership over your home and life. For more information about invading pests and additional prevention tips, contact us today!