Maintain Your Pest-Proofing Resolution in 2023

Paper that says resolutions nailed to a tree.

We’ve almost made it through January, so how are your new year’s resolutions coming along? If you’ve already experienced a setback on your diet or gym goals, don’t worry too much—it happens to all of us. But if you made a pest-proofing resolution in 2023, we can help you stick to it, so your home remains well-protected throughout the winter and all year long.

Keeping Pests Away During Cold Weather

While it’s nice to think you’re safe from pests in the winter, an invasion could come in the form of mice, rats or raccoons—capable of causing costly property damage or even transmitting disease. Much like humans, pests don’t want to be stuck outside when the temperatures get colder. But while many of us have a warm home to wake up in, these pests may not be so lucky and could enter your house for shelter and warmth.

To prevent such an issue, we recommend the following precautions as outlined by the National Pest Management Association:

  • Seal gaps in windows and doors: Install door sweeps and seal any gaps on exterior doors. Be sure to also seal any cracks and crevices on your home’s exterior, especially around entry points for utilities and pipes.
  • Manicure your yard: Remove any dead bushes, branches and fallen leaves from around your home that could act as shelter for rodents and other pests. While you’re at it, inspect for damage to your roof and siding to make sure falling branches haven’t created small entry points.
  • Eliminate moisture buildup: As snow and ice coat the ground and begin to melt, moisture buildup can become a serious issue—and that can attract pests. Divert water away from the house with functioning downspouts and gutters.
  • Keep your kitchen clean: Wipe down counters after cooking to remove crumbs and food debris. Dispose of your garbage regularly and store food in airtight containers to prevent pest entry.

New Year, New You, No Pests!

Taking care of pest detection and eradication during the cold, overwintering months can help you eliminate stress and save money throughout the year. If, despite your best efforts, you have already seen signs of pests in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We can evaluate the full extent of your problem and recommend the best—and safest—strategy to remedy it.