Fall Pest Prevention: New England Homes Enticing as Weather Cools

Mice eating corn on the cob

Something that makes our region special is the wide variety of housing options we enjoy—from old farmhouses in the country to downtown lofts and apartments, traditional capes and colonials to modern condominiums. But one thing they all have in common is the refuge they provide to pests, especially rodents, when the New England weather turns chilly.

Do you practice the necessary fall pest prevention steps to keep pests out of your pantry and home this fall and winter? Act now before the weather gets cold and rodents or other unwelcome visitors are already resting comfortably in your abode.

Fall Pest Prevention Tips

  • Don’t give pests a free ride. Check packages and produce carefully before bringing them into your home. From fall décor like pumpkins and cornstalks to your local farm share, make sure you don’t have any hidden hitchhikers.
  • Clean up and out. As summer plantings die back and you start your fall cleanup, pull everything away from your foundation and check it for cracks and holes that might invite pests to enter. Remember, a mouse can enter your home through a space the size of a dime, so plug up even the smallest openings.
  • Between the cooler weather and the upcoming holidays, you’re likely doing more cooking, but you may inadvertently be feeding more than family and friends. Clean up any spills and crumbs promptly so they don’t provide a tasty treat for unwanted guests. Invest in airtight containers for staple items like flour, sugar, grains, pastas and crackers as mice and bugs can easily get through paper and cardboard packaging and feast with abandon.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Rodents and bugs can spread disease and cause other health issues, as well as a lot of damage to your home. While prevention is your best bet, if you do spot signs of an intrusion, act fast to prevent a small problem from becoming a big one. Give us a call and we’ll assess the issue and recommend the best treatment plan for your problem and your budget.