Spider Removal
Spiders Overview

North America is home to about 3,400 of the categorized 40,000 species of spiders in the world. There are so many different spider species, that we can’t possibly identify all of them here, but we can help with the likely culprits you’ll find in your home. Most spiders are simply a nuisance and not harmful to humans; only a few are considered medically important. If you’re in need of spider removal, Braman is here to assist you with multiple methods of spider pest control.
Spiders are arachnids that have eight legs and chelicerae (fangs). They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms.
Where are They Found?

Spiders are often found in corners of rooms or by the windows, which actually makes vacuuming one of the best spider control measures. Other key locations are attics, sill plates, basements, exterior eaves and shutters. All of these areas are targeted with spider removal methods as part of a comprehensive plan.
The cellar spider is one of the most common spiders you’re likely to see in your home or business. It selects its web locations at random—if the site doesn’t yield food, another site is selected to build another tangled web. Unlike other spiders which consume and remake their webs, the cellar spider webs remain indefinitely to collect dust and debris. Several webs can be constructed in just a few days and you could quickly have an abundance throughout your building! Another creature you may spot in the dark corners of your home is the wolf spider. They are robust, ground-running spiders—they do not make webs, rather, they chase down and overpower prey. Wolf spiders come indoors through exclusion issues.
What Makes Spiders Harmful?

As a general rule, spiders are considered beneficial because they help control other, less desirable critters. It is true, however, that almost all spiders have some type of venom and are capable of biting. Most are not medically important, but bites still hurt and can be generalized as feeling like a bee sting.
The cellar spider is not inclined to bite and can rarely pierce through human skin. A bite from these spiders won’t cause serious injury, although there may be some pain at the site of the bite. The most feared species, the black widow and brown recluse spiders, are rare, but occasionally seen in New England.
Signs Spiders are Present in Your Home or Facility

There are several ways to determine if you have a spider infestation in your home.
- Seeing spiders: while this is obvious, you may need Braman’s professional help to determine one spider type and infestation severity.
- Webs: seeing or feeling an abundance of spider webs in your home is a clear sign of the presence of these pests.
- Egg sacs: Many spider species lay hundreds of eggs at once, wrapped in a silk ball. If you see one, you’re going to want to nip this problem in the bud and call Braman for spider nest removal or sac removal services.

At Braman, our professionals know how to remove spiders.
Using exterior lighting that is less attractive to flying insects (and turning off exterior lights when not needed) will help reduce the food supply and therefore, the number of spiders around your home. Hardly anyone minds seeing a spider every now and then, but when your home becomes infested with great numbers of them, something must be done. In addition to vacuuming, a Braman spider control plan will use residual sprays in the areas where they are typically found.
If you think you have an infestation, contact Braman immediately.

Tell us about your pest problem. We can provide a free estimate over the phone.
Call Braman 24/7 at 800-338-6757