Fleas are More Than an Itchy Annoyance

Flea on white background

Although flea season begins in early May, it reaches its peak in late summer and early fall. Long walks and hikes with your pet increases their risk of attracting fleas. But there are steps you can take to protect your pets––and your family.

Fleas can give your dog heartworms, which can be fatal, or tapeworms if you do not actively engage in flea prevention. Besides the obvious discomfort, fleas will make your pet scratch excessively, causing the skin to become raw, which can pave the way for various diseases and infections. Fleas also have the capability to transmit various diseases from one pet to another or to humans.

Prevention works best

It is important that your pets receive preventative treatment for fleas (and ticks). This is the single best way to prevent an infestation. Ask your veterinarian for advice in choosing preventive products.

We also recommend that you:

  • Check pets frequently for fleas, especially after being outdoors or around other animals. Be aware of excessive scratching and licking.
  • Avoid walking dogs in tall grass, where fleas often hide.
  • Frequently wash pet bedding, collars and plush toys.
  • Wash bed linens and vacuum carpets, floors and upholstery frequently. Consistent vacuuming will help pick up all life stages of the flea. Pay close attention to places where your pet spends the most time.

Treating a flea problem

Because humans are not a preferred host for fleas, it may take weeks before you detect a flea infestation. If you see that your pet is scratching or grooming all the time, you should be suspicious.

Regularly inspect your pet’s coat for signs of fleas. There are special flea combs you can use to help; tiny black specs on the comb mean you have an infestation. If you don’t take flea control measures at this stage, it will only get worse.

Arrange for your pet to be treated for fleas. There are a variety of over-the-counter products, or you can ask your vet for recommendations.

To rid your home of fleas, vacuum thoroughly, including rugs, bedding and upholstery. Again, pay close attention to places where your pet spends the most time. Vacuuming will pick up each life stage of the flea. Then discard the vacuum cleaner bag so you do not re-infest your home with fleas escaping the vacuum.

Then give us a call at Braman and we’ll treat your home with residual sprays and insect growth regulators. Because the insecticides have no impact on the pupal stage, you will still need to vacuum regularly after flea control treatment.

Our flea control service comes with a guarantee of your satisfaction. If you think you have an infestation of fleas, call us immediately at 800-338-6757 or contact us online here.